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Keryx ( old Greek: κήρυξ = the herald ) was a son of Eumolpos or a son of Agraulos and Hermes (the herald of the gods). He is referred to as the first Demeter priest in Eleusis . However, this is also claimed by Keleos . He is the founder of the Keryks of an ancient Athenian or Eleusinian priestly family. The Hierokeryx (holy messengers) who proclaimed the Eleusinian Peace of God (similar to the Olympic Peace ) were chosen from among their ranks .

The term kerygma is also derived from keryx .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pausanias : Travels in Greece (Library of the Old World). Artemis & Winkler, Düsseldorf 2001ff, Vol. 1, 38, 3.
  2. Gustav Eduard Benseler (first), Adolf Kaegi (red.): Greek-German school dictionary . 15th ed. Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-519-07571-7 (reprint of the Leipzig 1911 edition).