Ketmen Mountains

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Ketmen Mountains
Highest peak Nebesnaja ( 3638  m )
location Almaty ( Kazakhstan ),
Ili in Xinjiang ( PR China )
part of Tienschan
Ketmen Mountains (Kazakhstan)
Ketmen Mountains
Coordinates 43 ° 20 '  N , 80 ° 13'  E Coordinates: 43 ° 20 '  N , 80 ° 13'  E
rock Effusive , limestone , granite

The Ketmen Mountains ( Russian Кетмень ) are part of the Tienschan mountain system in Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China .

It extends over a length of about 300 km in a west-east direction. The state border runs across the mountain range and divides it into a western (in Kazakhstan) and an eastern section (in China). The highest point is the mountain Nebeznaya with a height of 3638  m . The valley of the Ili tributary Scharyn separates the Ketmen Mountains from the Kungej-Alatau further to the west . Effusive rock and limestone as well as granite in places occur in the Ketmen Mountains. The mountains have flat mountain peaks and rugged mountain slopes. Deep ravines cut through the mountain range. The lower areas are covered by steppe vegetation. Spruce forest and meadow vegetation can be found in the higher northern slopes.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Article Ketmen Mountains in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D060854~2a%3DKetmen-Gebirge~2b%3DKetmen-Gebirge