Khaled Khalifa

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Khaled Khalifa (born in Aleppo in 1964 ) is a Syrian writer.


Khaled Khalifa studied law at the University of Aleppo . He was co-founder and associate editor of the literary magazine Alif , a critical forum for experimental writing, and was a member of the Literary Forum at Aleppo University. In 2007 he was a guest of the International Writing Program in Iowa City .

Khalifa writes novels and also writes for a living for movies and TV series made by Syrian directors.

His third novel, Madih al-karahiya , was shortlisted for the International Prize for Arabic Fiction in 2008 . Likewise in 2014 the novel La sakakin fi matabikh hadhihi al-madina , with which he also won the “ Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature”. His scripts were also awarded.

Khalifa came into conflict several times with the censorship of the Assad dictatorship , the novel Madih al-karahiya was banned immediately upon publication in 2006, so his books are also published by Lebanese publishers. He lives in Damascus .

Works (selection)

  • Haris al-khadi'a . Beirut: Dar Alif, 1993
  • Dafatir al-qurbat . Damascus: Dar Ward, 2000
  • Madih al-karahiya . Damascus: Amisa, 2006 (Tr: In Praise of Hate)
  • La sakakin fi matabikh hadhihi al-madina . Beirut: Dar Al-Adab, 2013 (Tr: No knives in the kitchens of this city)
  • al-Maut 'amal šaqq . 2016
  • Death is an arduous business . Translation of Hartmut Fähndrich . Rowohlt, Reinbek 2018, ISBN 978-3-498-04702-3 , new edition as paperback 2019, ISBN 978-3-499-27433-6


  • Angela Schader: What was left of Syria . Review, in: NZZ, May 12, 2018, p. 21
  • Angela Schader: Syria's Unloved Sons . Report, in: NZZ, July 31, 2009

Web links