Khok Charoen

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Coordinates: 15 ° 5 ′ 9.8 "  N , 100 ° 38 ′ 30.1"  E

Map: Thailand
Khok Charoen

Khok Charoen ( Thai : โคก เจริญ ) is an archaeological site in the valley of the Pa Sak River in the Amphoe Khok Charoen , Lop Buri province . It is located 3 kilometers northeast of the village of Ban Dong Noi and 13.5 km (as the crow flies) north of Chai Badan .

Excavation history

Khok Charoen was archaeologically explored between 1966 and 1970, whereby only the results of the first two years are significant.


Finds from Khok Charoen indicate that the area was settled before the Bronze Age, although no bronze objects could be found. The graves displayed poorly preserved human remains along with clay pots that had been burned and zones of red stripes and string markings. The surfaces of the vessels are chased with stamped or impressed surfaces. The 44 graves contained disks made of mussel shells as decorations, but not in the same number as in Khok Phanom Di ; the grave with the greatest number of such ornaments had 843 discs. The great variability of the grave goods indicates a pronounced social class within the population of Khok Charoen. There are also pieces that were worked in exactly the same way in a certain location by Khok Phanom Di and show the same diameter. Rings and bracelets made from snail shells were also found, along with ornaments made of marble and green stone. Two dates using thermoluminescence dating indicate a period between 1180 and 1080 B.C. However, the typology of the pottery suggests a period around 500 to 1000 years earlier.

Individual evidence

  1. HHE Loofs-Wissowa: "Hill of prosperity: state of the art publication of Khok Charoen site, Lop Buri Province, Thailand." Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association , 16: 199-211 (1997).
  2. ^ Higham and Thosarat (1989), pp. 81f.
  3. ^ W. Watson: "Khok Charoen and the early metal age of Central Thailand". Early South East Asia . (Eds. RB Smith and W. Watson), Oxford 1979, pp. 53-62
  4. ^ Higham and Thosarat (1998), p. 82


  • HHE Loofs: Tektites in Thai Prehistory . In: Asian Perspectives . tape 20/1 . University of Hawai'i Press, 1977, ISSN  0066-8435 , pp. 113–129 (English, full text as digital copy [PDF]).
  • Charles Higham and Rachanie Thosarat: Prehistoric Thailand: from early settlements to Sukhothai . Bangkok: River Books 1998. ISBN 974-8225-30-5 .
  • Military topographic service of the US Army (ed.) TK250 Indochina / Thailand, sheet ND47-4 (BAN MI), Washington DC 1958 ( digitized version )