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Khunti (India)
Red pog.svg
State : IndiaIndia India
State : Jharkhand
District : Khunti
Location : 23 ° 1 ′  N , 85 ° 16 ′  E Coordinates: 23 ° 1 ′  N , 85 ° 16 ′  E
Height : 611 m
Residents : 36,390 (2011)
Church in Khunti
Church in Khunti

Khunti is a city in the Indian state of Jharkhand .

The city is the capital of the Khunti district of the same name . Khunti is administered as a Nagar Panchayat . The city is divided into 11 wards (constituencies).


The city's population is 36,390 according to the 2011 census. Khunti has a gender ratio of 903 women per 1000 men and thus a common surplus of men for India. The literacy rate was 83.1% in 2011. Almost 52% of the population are Hindus , approx. 20% are Christians , approx. 11% are Muslim and approx. 17% belong to another or no religion. 13.1% of the population are children under 6 years of age. 38.5% of the population are Scheduled Tribes .


The majority of the population are tribesmen and depend on agriculture and forestry for their livelihood. The lack of food security in the villages has forced many tribal families to migrate from their own villages.

Individual evidence

  2. Khunti Nagar Panchayat City Population Census 2011-2019 | Jharkhand. Retrieved September 21, 2019 .