Child baboon

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Child baboon
Kinda baboon pair with infant.jpg

Kindap baboon ( Papio kindae )

Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Cheekbones monkey (Cercopithecinae)
Tribe : Baboons (Papionini)
Genre : Baboons ( papio )
Type : Child baboon
Scientific name
Papio kindae
Lönnberg , 1919
Green, the distribution area of ​​the child baboon, red, that of the yellow baboon

The Kindapavian ( Papio kindae ) is a species of primate from the genus of the baboons within the family of the vervet monkeys (Cercopithecidae). It occurs in Zambia west of the Luangwa , in northern Angola , in the south of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in the extreme southwest of Tanzania , possibly north to the Mahale Mountains National Park . The Kindapavian was until recently a subspecies of the yellow baboon ( Papio cynocephalus ), but morphological aspects and the genetic distance speak for the independence of the species.


With a head-torso length of about 56 cm (females) to 58 cm (males) and an average tail length of 47 cm (females) to 53 cm (males), the child baboon is the slimmest and most delicate of all baboon species. With an average weight of 10 kg for the females and 16 kg for the males, the child baboon has the lowest sexual dimorphism in terms of size and weight among baboons . Adult male baboons are about as big and heavy as the females of the yellow baboon and the bear baboon . The snout is comparatively short. The tail is carried arched and not bent as in the other baboon species. The fur is yellowish-brown on the back and lighter and more cream-colored on the belly. In contrast to the fur of the yellow baboon, it is softer and silky. The baby baboon wears a conspicuous tuft of hair on its head, and around its eyes the hair has a rosy shimmer. In contrast to the blackish young of the other baboon species, the young of the Kindapavian are whitish to reddish.

Way of life

Kindapaviane come in forest savannah with Miombo -Vegetation ( Brachystegia u. A.) Light forests and gallery forest before. Precise observations regarding their diet have not yet been made, but like other baboons the animals will be omnivores, but prefer fruits. They live in larger groups with several adult males and females and their young. The Kindapavian hybridizes at the contact zones of the distribution areas with the subspecies P. cynocephalus cynocephalus of the yellow baboon and the subspecies P. ursinus griseipes of the bear baboon .


The Kindapavian is considered harmless and occurs in five national parks, namely in Upemba and Kundelungu in the southeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Kafue National Park , Kasanka National Park and South Luangwa National Park in Zambia.
