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The KinderKulturMonat is a festival for children in Berlin that has been taking place since 2012.

Children between the ages of 4 and 12 can take part in selected events free of charge in October. Museums, theaters, opera houses, studios , concert halls, project rooms and galleries - around 65 cultural venues in total - that offer over 100 weekend events are involved.


As part of the Children's Culture Month 2017

The idea comes from the Netherlands , where the “Oktobermaand Kindermaand” has been implemented in large parts of the country since 2001. Funded by the European Commission , the "October Children's Month" was launched in 2013 together with two other partner cities ( Riga and San Sebastián ). In Berlin, the KinderKulturMonat has been run by the non-profit WerkStadt Kulturverein Berlin e. V. carried out.

As part of the Children's Culture Month 2017

Goal and concept

The main goal of the festival is to bring as many children as possible into contact with art and culture at an early age in order to encourage their creativity and to draw their attention to the diverse cultural offerings of the city. Children and their relatives should be relieved of their fear of unfamiliar places where art and culture take place.

The festival is divided into two different areas: On the one hand, a supporting program is offered for the weekend and on the other hand, several workshops are organized in which the children work together with artists and teachers. It takes place in cooperation with Berlin schools, which are located in socially deprived areas of the city, and on the other hand is an open holiday program for all children.

Since 2015, KinderKulturMonat has been increasingly committed to including children from families with a refugee background.

Supporting program

On the October weekends there is a supporting program in which parents and grandparents can also take part. Participating cultural venues such as the Berlinische Galerie , the Deutsche Kinemathek , the Anne Frank Center , the Deutsche Oper , the Klingende Museum, and the Deutsche Bank KunstHalle develop and organize special workshops, guided tours, exhibitions and performances for this.

Children's culture course

As part of the Children's Culture Month 2017

The KinderKultur-Parcours are a supplement to the supporting program, which is offered especially for school classes and as an open holiday program. The students are accompanied by artists and the “Children's Culture Travel Guides” to cultural institutions that are well worth seeing. After the guided tours or visits, the children can do their own artistic work in workshops and process their impressions in their own works. Finally, there is an exhibition that the children help to organize themselves and in which they present their work to a broader public.


  • 2013: Franziska Giffey , District Councilor for Education, Schools, Culture and Sport in Berlin-Neukölln
  • 2014–2017: Sandra Scheeres , Senator for Education, Youth and Family

Web links

KinderKulturMonat in Europe


Press articles