Klaus Allerbeck

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Klaus Allerbeck (born November 18, 1944 in Seilershof ) is a German sociologist . Until March 2010 he taught as a professor at the University of Frankfurt am Main . His work focuses on the methods of empirical social research and the intercultural and temporal comparison of social structures.


During his studies, Allerbeck was involved in the Liberal Student Union of Germany (LSD) and was LSD federal chairman in 1967/68. He was a liaison professor at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and a member of the selection committee for the award of new scholarships. He was a regular guest and was also a co-organizer in seminars of the Theodor Heuss Academy and the Archive of Liberalism of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Gummersbach .

Fonts (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ V. Erhard, U. Josten u. a. (Ed.): Commitment to freedom and democracy. Contributions to the history of the Liberal Student Union of Germany (LSD). Jena 2001, p. 132.
  2. Manifesto of the universities against the emergency laws . 1967 (PDF file, accessed April 5, 2019)

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