Klaus Evard

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Klaus Evard (born February 2, 1936 in Berlin ) is a former university professor and founder of the ebs European Business School, now EBS University for Economics and Law, as well as founder and director of TEC International Germany in (since 2011 Vistage International Germany GmbH) Wiesbaden .


Evard studied economics , business administration and law at the Free University of Berlin and the universities of Lausanne , Paris ( Sorbonne ) and Innsbruck . In 1972 he received his doctorate from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (dissertation: Bilan consolidé et publicité des entreprises du Konzern d'après la législation allemande contemporaine) . He founded the European Business School (EBS) as early as 1971 . He is still the founder and was Chairman of The Executive Committee , or TEC for short, a management consultancy based in Wiesbaden. Evard has initiated and supported several other company foundations. These include the International School of Management (ISM) in Dortmund and The California School of International Management in San Diego, where he has been chairman since 1992. Evard was a professor at the École des hautes études commerciales de Paris (HEC), the leading business school in France, and the Université de la Sorbonne-Nouvelle in Paris.


Individual evidence

  1. Handelsblatt: Investments are made abroad from May 26, 2005