Klaus G. Förg

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Klaus G. Förg (born June 6, 1952 in Rosenheim ) is a German publisher of the Rosenheim publishing house , photographer, freelance publicist and presenter on private radio.


Förg is the son of the publisher Alfred Förg (1923–1994). After studying geography and sports, he first worked as a high school teacher. He then worked as a product manager and editor in publishing houses. From 1993 to 2008 he managed five bookstores in the Rosenheim area. In 1993 he took over the management of the Rosenheim publishing house from his father and began restructuring the company. With the travel illustrated books, some of which he photographed himself, he set a new program focus.

Förg also works as a photographer, freelance publicist and moderator of book programs on private radio. He traveled to Asia and Africa, where he captured motifs and moods with his camera. His photo exhibitions could be seen in Berlin, Leipzig, Bangkok, Ichikawa, Wuppertal, Hanover, Offenbach, Munich, Rosenheim, Traunstein, Kaiserslautern, Zurich, Ingolstadt, Weimar, Sebnitz, Würzburg and Stuttgart.

Publications (selection)

Gift books with photographs by Klaus G. Förg

  • Erich Jooß, Die Weisheit des heiligen Franziskus, Rosenheim, Rosenheimer Verlagshaus, ISBN 978-3-475-54219-0 , 2nd revised edition, 2013
  • Erich Jooß, Greetings to you Maria, Rosenheim, Rosenheimer Verlagshaus, ISBN 978-3-475-53842-1 , 2007
  • Martha Schad, Romances on the Roseninsel, Rosenheim, Rosenheimer Verlagshaus, ISBN 978-3-475-53651-9 , 2nd edition, 2007
  • Erich Jooß, The wisdom of the patron saints, Rosenheim, Rosenheimer Verlagshaus, ISBN 978-3-475-53654-0 , 2005
  • Georg Weindl, The best taverns in the Rosenheimer Land, Rosenheim, Edition Förg, ISBN 978-3-933708-18-2 , 3rd edition, 2005
  • Theodor Glaser, Christmas cribs, Rosenheim, Rosenheimer Verlagshaus, ISBN 978-3-475-53573-4 , 2004
  • Felix Leibrock, I give you trust, Rosenheim, Rosenheimer Verlagshaus, ISBN 978-3-475-53328-0 , 2002
  • Walter Flemmer, Glückstage, Rosenheim, Rosenheimer Verlagshaus, ISBN 978-3-475-52973-3 , 1999

Web links