Amanda Tröndle-Engel

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Amanda Tröndle-Engel (born November 12, 1861 in Ligerz ; † September 29, 1956 in Solothurn , authorized to reside in Aarau and Solothurn) was a Swiss painter and teacher .


Amanda Engel grew up in Ligerz on Lake Biel. After the early death of their father, the family moved to Aarau. Thanks to an apprenticeship as a drawing teacher with Johann Weissbrod in Basel , she was able to become self-employed as a young woman and live from her artistic and educational work in Solothurn. In 1885 she married the lawyer Arnold Amiet, who later became Solothurn's chief judge. He encouraged her to pursue her studies with his friends Franz Scherrer , Amadé de Besenval and at the Académie Julian with Marcel Baschet .

After Amiet's death in 1900, the widow gave painting lessons and worked as a drawing teacher at the Solothurn Cantonal School . Here she taught a. a. Cuno Amiet .

In addition, she opened a pension in her “Rosenhag” house. In 1905 Amanda Engel traveled to Dachau to study art with Adolf Hölzel . She then studied at the women's academy of the Münchner Künstlerinnenverein , of which she was a member. There she was taught by Angelo Janks , Max Feldbaur and in the private painting school by Simon Hollósy .

In 1906 she married Oskar Tröndle from Möhlin , who was 22 years her junior and whom she had met in Munich. From then on, the couple played an important role in Solothurn's cultural life, with Amanda Tröndle-Engel devoting particular attention to drawing lessons. The teaching aid Aug ', awake! (1934). This book was based on students' drawings: Amanda Tröndle-Engel had taught a municipal primary class from the second to sixth grade in order to test her educational theory in practice. In addition, she repeatedly presented her own works, including in New York (linocut Das Kitten , 1947). She and her husband worked intensively on all areas of handicrafts. So both worked together with Josef Reinhart (Christmas play The Star of Bethlehem ).

Amanda Tröndle-Engel was a member of the Solothurn section GSMBA . Your works are u. a. in the Solothurn Art Museum and in the Olten Art Museum .


Amanda Tröndle ran her own painting school in Solothurn, where she put her theoretical knowledge into practice. Through her educational and journalistic activities, she became an important art educator and, in particular, a pioneer of modern drawing lessons. The translation of her main work into Dutch proves that she worked far beyond the Swiss borders.


  • Drawing lessons in elementary school. Lecture given on January 8, 1913 at the Solothurn pottery company . Separate print from the Solothurner Tagblatt 1916.
  • The star of Bethlehem: The Christmas story in words and pictures , poems in dialect by Josef Reinhart, shadows designed by Amanda Tröndle-Engel, edited by Oskar Tröndle. Edited in conjunction with the Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Community Halls and Community Halls. 1st edition. Rotapfel-Verlag, Erlenbach-Zürich 1923. (Reprint 2002).
  • Aug ', awake !: A contribution to drawing lessons in the elementary school , Zurich / Leipzig 1935.
  • Oog, word wakker !: eene bijdrage tot het teekenonderwijs op de lagere school , (translation by Marta Halbertsma-Reimann), o. O. 1939.


  • Thomas Schmutz: Artist life and art education: Oskar and Amanda Tröndle, in: Christoph Lichtin et al. (Ed.). Contemporary art in Solothurn , Zurich 2000, pp. 89–99.
  • Adele Tatarinoff-Eggenschwiler: A service to the beautiful and the good: The life of Mrs. Amanda Tröndle-Engel in Solothurn , Solothurn 1952.
  • Jaël Natalie Zürcher: Amanda Tröndle-Engel. Unknown, but not insignificant. The life of a Solothurn artist , Solothurn 2020.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Weissbrod, Johann Baptist. Sikart, accessed July 18, 2020 .
  2. Jaël Natalie Zürcher: Amanda Tröndle-Engel. Unknown, but not insignificant. The life of a Solothurn artist , Solothurn 2020.
  3. Fabienne Sutter: Tröndle, Oskar. Sikart, accessed July 18, 2020 .