Klaus Geppert

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Klaus Geppert (born March 10, 1941 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) is a German legal scholar and professor emeritus at the Free University of Berlin .

Since 2003 he has been President of the Berlin Legal Society.


Geppert graduated from high school in Freiburg am Breisgau in 1959. From 1959 to 1963 he studied law at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg and at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In 1963 he passed the first state examination in law in Freiburg. In 1967 he received his doctorate on the subject of the assessment of the embargo period in the case of criminal disqualification from driving . In 1969 he passed the second state examination in Stuttgart . He then worked as a research assistant for Rudolf Schmitt at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg until 1976. This year he completed his habilitation on the principle of immediacy in German criminal proceedings and he received the venia legendi for criminal law, criminal procedural law and penal execution. He was then appointed scientific advisor and professor at the University of Cologne . In the same year he moved to the Free University of Berlin. From 1982 to 2002 Geppert was a judge in the second main office at the Supreme Court . During this time he turned down an offer from Bielefeld University . In 1990 he turned down an offer from the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg . From 1991 to 1993 he was dean of the law faculty at the Free University of Berlin. From 1982 to 2010 Geppert was a permanent member of the legal committee of the German Road Safety Council and from 1992 to 2009 an elected member of the permanent committee of the German Faculty of Laws Conference. In 2009 he retired.

Research priorities

Geppert's research focuses on traffic law and criminal procedure law. Geppert publishes numerous articles on traffic criminal law in particular, which appear in particular in the Legal Education (JURA) , of which he has been co-editor since 1980.

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.juristische-gesellschaft.de/ueber%20uns.html
  2. http://www.jura.fu-berlin.de/fachbereich/einrichtungen/strafrecht/emeriti/geppertk/index.html