Klaus Rheinhold

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Klaus Rheinhold ( December 6, 1891 in Celle - March 26, 1974 in Gundelfingen near Freiburg ) was a German entrepreneur in the insulation and asbestos industry.

His father and uncle, Sartorius and Otto Rheinhold, had started a company from a kieselguhr discovery site. a. the heat and cold protection insulation industry.

Klaus Rheinhold completed a commercial apprenticeship at Borsig in Berlin-Tegel, made a study trip to the USA in 1913/14 and did military service during the First World War.

In 1919 he took over his father's company Rheinhold & Co. Hannover with approx. 1000 employees. Despite the unfavorable economic situation with inflation and the global economic crisis, he managed to double sales in a decade. 1925–1933 he was a. a. Member of the main committee of the Reichsverband der Deutschen Industrie and board member of the Stones and Earth Section. In 1930 he transferred the company to a large corporation when it was transformed into a GmbH. In 1933 he left the management of the GmbH due to the political situation. Until 1935 he still handled individual transactions and the sale of patents at home and abroad. Then he used his language and specialist knowledge from domestic and foreign magazines to put together special heat and cold protection papers, for which he had to use a different name from 1941.

In 1948 he began to rebuild the asbestos company Becker & Haag in Berlin-Nikolassee as head and sole authorized signatory, which kept afloat with looted asbestos from 1942–1945. When this was converted into a KG in 1950, Hamburg became the company's headquarters. Martha Becker and her sister became limited partners and Rheinhold and Hermann Lüder's personally liable partners. In 1966 he and Lüders retired from active management as part of the reorganization of the company.

On October 19, 1966, the President of the Asbestes Corporation, Alfred Penhale, after a decision by the committee in Chicago, presented him with Asbestos Story Ring No. 9 in the Hotel Eisenhut in Rothenburg for his efforts to rebuild the asbestos business after the war.

His daughter, the NDR TV journalist Sabine Rheinhold (∞ Christian Farenholtz ), found her cousin, Fritz Rheinhold's son Knut, in 2015.


  • Rubber and rubber, plastics - Volume 27 (1974) - p. 263
  • Karl Frank: Asbestos - Festschrift for the 50th anniversary of the Becker u. Hague ; 1952

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/item/EYSDEWAOBOSJLOOMKL5BT7KL5SDVEEOE
  2. http://www.nordbayern.de/region/erst-mit-90-jahren-fand-knud-rheinhold-seine-familie-1.4372002
  3. https://www.tib.eu/de/suchen/id/TIBKAT%3A176285865/Asbest-Festschrift-zum-50 Jahre-Jubiläum-der /