Otiorhynchus ligustici

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Otiorhynchus ligustici
Lucerne weevil (Otiorhynchus ligustici)

Lucerne weevil ( Otiorhynchus ligustici )

Family : Weevil (Curculionidae)
Subfamily : Otiorhynchinae
Tribe : Otiorhynchini
Genre : Black vine weevil ( Otiorhynchus )
Subgenus : Cryphiphorus
Type : Otiorhynchus ligustici
Scientific name
Otiorhynchus ligustici
( Linnaeus , 1758)

Otiorhynchus ligustici is a beetle from the family of the weevils (Curculionidae). It is also known as the Kleeluzerne-Rüssler or Luzernerüssler .


The beetles have a squat appearance and reach a size of nine to twelve millimeters (without a trunk). The wings are egg-shaped, strongly arched and marked with gray and yellowish-brown scales, whereby spots or bands are formed. The granulation is dense and fine or only indicated in strips and hidden under the scales. The pronotum is strongly rounded at the sides, strongly granular and scaled. The antennae are thin and dark. The trunk is flat and, like the head, densely dotted and provided with scales. He has a midrib. The antennae furrows reach to the eyes and are closed in front. The legs are dark and hairy. The thighs usually have a tooth; the front rails are widened at the end. The species is variable, there are morphological and color variations.


Otiorhynchus ligustici is widespread in Europe. The species is found in Central Europe , in the north to southern Norway and Finland, as well as in central Sweden and the British Isles . In the east the distribution area extends to the Caucasus , the Transcaucasus and Asia Minor . In North America the species was introduced in the USA .

Otiorhynchus ligustici is often found in fields, meadows and vineyards. You can find the species from the plain to at altitudes of about 2000 meters.


Otiorhynchus ligustici is able to reproduce through parthenogenesis . The females lay a few hundred eggs in clutches of 30 to 50 pieces in the ground at the foot of various herbaceous plants such as clover ( Trifolium ), alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ), beets ( Beta ) or strawberries ( Fragaria ). The larvae feed on the roots, overwinter when fully grown and pupate in the summer of the following year. The beetles live in the ground until spring of the following year and then feed on leaves. Larvae that do not reach the last larval stage in the first year continue their development in the next year and overwinter again. The larvae and beetles can become pests by eating the roots and leaves of clover and alfalfa cultures.


A large number of synonyms are known from the literature:

  • Otiorhynchus agnatus Gyllenhal , 1834
  • Otiorhynchus asper F. Solari , 1932
  • Otiorhynchus brachypterus F. Solari , 1932
  • Liophloeus brucki Bach , 1854
  • Curculio collaris Fabricius , 1792
  • Otiorhynchus comes F. Solari , 1932
  • Otiorhynchus debilicornis F. Solari , 1932
  • Otiorhynchus hormuzakii Penecke , 1935
  • Otiorhynchus incertus F. Solari , 1832
  • Otiorhynchus ledereri Stierlin , 1873
  • Curculio levistici Müller , 1776
  • Curculio monopterus Fourcroy , 1776
  • Curculio muelleri Gmelin , 1790
  • Otiorhynchus muticus F. Solari , 1832
  • Otiorhynchus polonicus F. Solari , 1932
  • Curculio rugosus cupboard , 1798
  • Otiorhynchus similis F. Solari , 1932
  • Otiorhynchus vicarius F. Solari , 1832
  • Otiorhynchus xanthotrichus Apfelbeck , 1922


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Jiři Zahradnik, Irmgard Jung, Dieter Jung et al .: Beetles of Central and Northwestern Europe: an identification book for biologists and nature lovers . Parey, Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-490-27118-1 , pp. 310 .
  2. Edmund Reitter : Fauna Germanica - The beetles of the German Empire . 5 volumes, Stuttgart KG Lutz 1908 - 1916. In: Digital Library . tape  134 . Directmedia Publishing, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-89853-534-7 , p. 4109 .
  3. ^ Karel Hůrka: Beetles of the Czech and Slovak Republics . 1st edition. Kabourek, Zlín 2005, ISBN 80-86447-04-9 , p. 267 (Original title: Brouci Ceske a Slovenske republiky .).
  4. Otiorhynchus (Cryphiphorus) ligustici (Linnaeus 1758). Fauna Europaea, Version 2.1, December 22, 2009, accessed May 16, 2010 .


  • Jiři Zahradnik, Irmgard Jung, Dieter Jung et al .: Beetles of Central and Northwestern Europe: an identification book for biologists and nature lovers . Parey, Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-490-27118-1 .
  • Edmund Reitter : Fauna Germanica - The beetles of the German Empire . 5 volumes, Stuttgart KG Lutz 1908 - 1916. In: Digital Library . tape 134 . Directmedia Publishing, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-89853-534-7 .
  • Karel Hůrka: Beetles of the Czech and Slovak Republics . 1st edition. Kabourek, Zlín 2005, ISBN 80-86447-04-9 (Original title: Brouci Ceske a Slovenske republiky .).

Web links

Commons : Otiorhynchus ligustici  - collection of images, videos and audio files