Little creaker

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Little creaker
Acrididae - Pezotettix giornae-5.JPG

Lesser creaker ( Pezotettix giornae )

Order : Grasshoppers (Orthoptera)
Subordination : Short-antennae terrors (Caelifera)
Family : Field locusts (Acrididae)
Subfamily : Catantopinae
Genre : Pezotettix
Type : Little creaker
Scientific name
Pezotettix giornae
( Rossi , 1794)

The small creaker ( Pezotettix giornae ) is a species of grasshopper from the family of field locusts (Acrididae).


Females reach a body length of 13 to 17 millimeters, males 11 to 14 millimeters. This makes the species one of the smallest representatives of the field locusts. The wings are only stubby and short, which can lead to confusion with nymphs . The color spectrum ranges from gray-brown to red-brown. Clear checks are also possible. On the side lobes of the pronotum there is a dark longitudinal band on each side.

Occurrence and way of life

The area of ​​the small creaker covers the entire Mediterranean area . It is mainly found in low bushes on the roadsides. The northernmost occurrences are found in Valais , Ticino and South Tyrol . Adult animals appear from August / September. They overwinter and can be found until March.

supporting documents


  • Heiko Bellmann : The cosmos of locust leaders, defining the types of Central Europe with certainty. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-440-10447-8 .

Web links

Commons : Small creaker ( Pezotettix giornae )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files