Little July beetle

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Little July beetle
Small July beetle Anomala dubia on finger

Small July beetle Anomala dubia on finger

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Scarab beetle (Scarabaeidae)
Subfamily : Rutelinae
Genre : July beetle ( anomala )
Type : Little July beetle
Scientific name
Anomala dubia
( Scopoli , 1763)

The Small July beetle ( Anomala dubia ) is a beetle from the family of scarab beetles (Scarabaeidae). The species is also known as the metallic July beetle.


The beetles reach a length of 12 to 15 millimeters and an oval, compact shape. The coloration varies greatly. Usually the head, pronotum and shield are metallic green and the wing covers are light brownish. Certain colors predominate regionally.

As with all beetles of the subfamily , all legs of the July beetles have five-limbed tarsi , with the last tarsal segment having two unevenly formed claws. The outer claw is longer than the inner one. In the genus Anomala , the larger claw of the four front legs is split in both sexes (Fig. 4), in the hind legs it is not split. The front splints usually have two external teeth. The movable mandrel on the inside of the front rail lies behind the deflection of the tarsi.

The antennae are nine-part, the last three parts form a dark-colored fan that is covered with only a few hairs and is therefore shiny (Fig. 5). The pronotum does not narrow at the base; on the front it is limited by a membranous edge (yellowish in Fig 3). The base of the pronotum is completely unrimmed, while in the related and somewhat larger species anomala vitis the base of the pronotum is only unrimmed in the middle.

The wing-coverts also have a membranous border, which is clearly developed mainly on the rear edge. The elytra, like the entire top of the body, are bare, which distinguishes the July beetle from the similar garden beetle . The elytra are streaked by point strips that form ribs. These are somewhat stronger than in A. vitis .


  • Anomala aenea de Geer , 1774
  • Anomala julii Fabricius , 1792


The distribution area extends from southern Italy to southern Norway, central Sweden and central Finland. In England and Scotland the species is only found locally. The beetles colonize sandy and clay soils, where u. a Willows , birches , poplars , elms and hazel bushes grow.

Way of life

The larvae live in the ground and feed u. a. from the roots of various grasses. They take two years to develop. The beetles feed mainly on willow leaves. They fly from May to August on sunny days and in the evenings.


  1. H. Freude, KW Harde, GA Lohse: Die Käfer Mitteleuropas , Vol. 8. Spectrum Academic Publishing House in Elsevier, Munich 1966, ISBN 3-827-40683-8
  2. a b Anomala dubia (Scopoli 1763). Fauna Europaea, Version 1.3, April 19, 2007 , accessed on July 12, 2007 .
  3. a b Jiři Zahradník, Irmgard Jung, Dieter Jung et al .: Beetles of Central and Northwestern Europe. Parey Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-490-27118-1 .

Web links

Commons : Little Julikäfer ( Anomala dubia )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files