Small-mouthed wrasse

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Small-mouthed wrasse
FMIB 46217 Rock Cook.jpeg

Small-mouthed wrasse ( Centrolabrus exoletus )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Labriformes
Family : Wrasse (Labridae)
Subfamily : Labrinae
Genre : Centrolabrus
Type : Small-mouthed wrasse
Scientific name
Centrolabrus exoletus
( Linnaeus , 1758)

The small-mouthed wrasse ( Centrolabrus exoletus ) is a type of wrasse that can be found in the north-east Atlantic.


The small-mouthed wrasse has a laterally flattened, oval and high-backed body and reaches a body length of up to 18 centimeters. The pointed head has a terminal mouth that forms the bulging lips typical of the wrasse. The coloring shows sexual dimorphism during the mating season . The basic color of the fish is brown or reddish with an orange to yellow head, which has a pattern of fine blue lines that, unlike the gold maiden, do not reach to the gills. The caudal fin has one or two faded bands. During the spawning season, the males wear two conspicuous, bright blue colored bands between the mouth and the eyes.

The undivided dorsal fin has 18 to 20 hard rays and then 5 to 7 soft rays, the anal fin has 4 hard and 6 to 8 soft rays. The pelvic fins are on the chest. A total of 33 to 37 scales lie along the sideline .


The small-mouthed wrasse is found in the north-eastern Atlantic from Greenland and Norway to Portugal .

Way of life

The fish live in the area of ​​algae-grown rocks or seagrass meadows near the coast , where they occur singly or in pairs. They feed on small invertebrates.

The shed cheek wrasse is a Protogyn hermaphrodite ; the initially female fish changes its sex accordingly and becomes a male animal. The breeding season of the fish extends from May to July, the spawn is deposited in algae.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d Andreas Vilcinskas : Fish - Central European freshwater species and marine fish of the North and Baltic Seas . BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munich 2000; P. 136; ISBN 3-405-15848-6 .
  2. Small-mouthed wrasse on (English)


Web links

Commons : Small-mouthed wrasse ( Centrolabrus exoletus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files