Cleopatra and Periboia

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Cleopatra and Periboia are two female figures in Greek mythology .

They were the first of the virgins who had to be sent to Troy by the Locrians to defend the wrath of the goddess Athena because of the atrocities committed by the Locrian king's son Aias after the end of the Trojan War (he had dragged the seer Kassandra from Athene's altar) soothe.

Because of a famine and plague epidemic, the Lokrians had committed themselves to sending two virgins each year to Troy as human sacrifices for Athene for a total of a thousand years. If these fell into the hands of the Trojans on their arrival before they reached the Temple of Athens, they were killed; otherwise, until her death, her further purpose in life was to do minor temple activities.



  1. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus , Epitome 6, 20ff .; Scholia of Homer , Iliad 13:66; Strabon 13, 600; Plutarch , moralia 557d; Polybios 12, 5; among others