Squat fight

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The so-called squat dispute took place in the first half of the 19th century in the Kingdom of Bavaria . It began with an order from the Bavarian Minister Karl von Abel , which also obliged Protestant soldiers to squat in front of the Holy of Holies during military services . This so-called squat decree of August 14, 1838 read:

"His Majesty the King has graciously deigned to decide that again in military church services during the conversion and the blessing knelt to be. The same thing has to happen during the Corpus Christi procession and at the watch, when the Most Reverend is carried by and the blessings are given to the men. The command is: On your knees! "

This led to a violent dispute in the Chamber of Deputies for several years , in which Ignaz von Döllinger and Joseph Görres on the Catholic side and Adolf von Harless and Friedrich Thiersch on the Protestant side participated in writings. In 1844 the Chamber of Deputies requested that the decree be repealed; the application failed in the Chamber of Reichsräte .

The squat decree was probably toned down in 1844 and repealed in 1845. However, the controversy surrounding the bowing of the head, against which protests were loud in 1848, remained. By the end of the 19th century, such disputes were repeated, even if the legal basis had been removed. In 1892, the Royal Protestant Senior Consistory informed the Ministry of the Interior that Protestants “do not want to be ordered to form a trellis during the Corpus Christi procession”.


  • Adolf von Harless: Open answer to the anonymous author of the 2 letters concerning the question of the knee flexion of Protestants. 1843.
  • Friedrich Thiersch: About Protestantism and knee flexion in Bavaria. 1844.
  • Archive holdings “Oberkonsistorium München” in the National Church Archive Nuremberg No. 36–38.


  • E. Dorn: knee flexion dispute in Bavaria. In: Realencyklopadie for Protestant Theology and Church. Volume 10, Leipzig 1901, pp. 590-594.
  • Heinz Gollwitzer: A statesman of the Vormärz: Karl von Abel 1788-1859. Official aristocracy-monarchical principle-political Catholicism (= series of publications of the historical commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. Volume 50). Göttingen 1993, pp. 451-456.

Individual evidence

  1. “The Synod solemnly protests against the bowing of the head of Protestant soldiers in front of the Sanctissimum of the Catholic Church, as ordered by the latest War Ministerial Order.” In: Pfälzer Kirchenzeitung from Neustadt.
  2. Strengthened by the squat fight. ( Memento from December 4, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) In: sonntagsblatt-bayern.de , No. 48, 2008.