Committee for the Release of Rudolf Bahro

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The Committee for the Release of Rudolf Bahro (Bahro Committee) was founded in 1978 in Berlin (West) .


The committee was founded with the aim of making the German, but also the European public, aware of the fate of Rudolf Bahro . From November 16-19, 1978, the committee organized the “International Congress for and about Rudolf Bahro” in the Auditorium Maximum of the Technical University of Berlin . More than 10,000 people from Germany and other European countries took part in the congress. Around 1,800 participants worked in the various working groups.

The prominent supporters included Elmar Altvater , the songwriter Wolf Biermann , the President of the TU Rolf Berger , Heinz Brandt , Renate Damus , the publicist and former student leader Rudi Dutschke , Ossip K. Flechtheim , the writer and former GDR civil rights activist Jürgen Fuchs , the former member of the Central Committee of the CPC Ždenek Hejzlar , the head of the European Publishing House Thomas Kosta , the secretary of the Fourth International Ernest Mandel , the parliamentary group chairman of the SPD in the state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein Klaus Matthiesen , the former secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC Zdeněk Mlynář , the former editor-in-chief of the IG Metall newspaper Jakob Moneta , Oskar Negt , the state chairman of the SPD Lower Saxony, party chairman of the SPD Peter von Oertzen , the former member of the KPČ Jiří Pelikán and the then federal chairman of the young socialists in the SPD , Gerhard Schröder .

Representatives of all currents of the Western European labor movement took part in the congress, from the social democratic and eurocommunist parties to the various currents of the New Left, which theoretically and practically endeavored to develop a strategy for a socialist alternative. Emigrants from various Eastern European countries, especially from the GDR and the ČSSR , also took part in the congress.

On the anniversary of Rudolf Bahro's conviction, the committee held a second congress in Marburg from June 30 to July 1, 1979 . After Rudolf Bahro's release and his expulsion from the GDR, the committee disbanded in 1980.


  • Bahro Congress. Records, reports and presentations. Publication of the minutes. Publishing house Olle & Wolter, Berlin / W. 1979, ISBN 3-88395-406-3 .

Individual evidence