Commander Ramona

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Commander Ramona

Commander Ramona (* 1959 ; † January 6, 2006 in Tonalá , Chiapas , Mexico ), Spanish: Comandanta Ramona , was a member of the Tzotzil and leader of the Mexican Zapatista rebels .

Although almost only monolingual in the Tzotzil language and illiterate, "Comandanta Ramona" was one of the leading figures in the Zapatista uprising against the Mexican authorities since 1994. In January 1994, she commanded the capture of San Cristóbal de las Casas . The 1.40-meter-tall and always masked rebel campaigned for the rights of Indian women all over Latin America . She was also an active opponent of globalization .

The Tzotzil commander, a professional embroiderer , developed kidney cancer and was only able to survive in 1996 thanks to a kidney transplant. After the transplant, Ramona withdrew from the public until she took part in the first general assembly of the “Other Campaign” in the Lacandonian jungle ( Selva Lacandona ) in autumn 2005 . Ramona was considered the first adviser to the Subcomandante Marcos . In Mexico and Latin America it became a symbol of the struggle of the Indian women for their rights. She died at the age of 47 from complications from her cancer.

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