Do mixers go to heaven?

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Original title Do mixers go to heaven?
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2016
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Reinhard Günzler
script Reinhard Günzler
production Bert Göhler (Clip Film GmbH)
music Eike Hosenfeld ,
Erik Swiatloch ,
Andreas Waldheim
camera Frank Sthamer
cut Sebastian Pehl

Do mixers go to heaven? is a German documentary from 2016.


The design student Carmen stumbled upon an old mixer called RG28, which was manufactured in the former VEB Elektrogerätewerk Suhl in Thuringia . She is fascinated by the device, which is still working perfectly after more than 40 years. She also goes on a search for the people who manufactured this device in the former GDR . She talks to engineers, journalists, theologians, psychologists, archaeologists, recycling yard operators and other people about today's throwaway society , planned obsolescence and how the relationship to our everyday objects has changed over time. The constant question that the film uses as a thread is: "Why do we deny our everyday objects that which we ourselves long for: eternal life?"


Jens Mayer writes on Indiekino : "Günzler's comical and poetic consideration of the complex topic of sustainability manages to break down the questions plausibly - into the shape of a handy, orange-shining mixer."

“'Come mixers to heaven' is an extensively researched, charming documentary with many different perspectives and explanations. The focus is on aspects of social importance that affect everyone. ”-

The Tagesspiegel reported: “' We Feed the World ', warned the Austrian director Erwin Wagenhofer years agowith his rousing film essay. Göhler and Günzler are no less serious when they consider the apocalypse in the form of a gigantic waste incineration plant. "


The film celebrated its premiere in Suhl on September 25, 2016. From September 29th it was shown in cinemas across Germany. The film has been available on DVD and Blu-Ray since March 31, 2017.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Do mixers go to heaven? -
  2. Do mixers go to heaven? -
  3. Documentation about sustainability: In love with RG28 -