Confederation of the Caucasus Peoples

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Flag of the Confederation of Caucasian Peoples

The Confederation of the Caucasus Peoples , actually Confederation of the Peoples of the Caucasus ( Russian Конфедерация народов Кавказа ) is an organization founded in 1989, which originally had a political union of the Soviet Caucasus peoples in the light of the looming disintegration of the Soviet Union as its goal.


The organization was formed during the Congress of the Caucasus Peoples ( съезд народов Кавказа ), which first took place in August 1989 in Sukhumi (then part of the Georgian SSR ). It was originally called the Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus ( Конфедерация горских народов Кавказа ) and was renamed the Confederation of the Caucasus Peoples in October 1992 . It not only includes the Muslim peoples of the Russian North Caucasus , but also the South Caucasian Abkhazians and Ossetians of Georgia .

The confederation of 16 peoples saw itself as an oppositional gathering movement against the old apparatchiks , bureaucrats loyal to Moscow and post-communist elites that were still established in the Caucasus republics . The aim of the organization was a common counterweight to the central government in Moscow as well as the union of the Muslim mountain peoples in a common republic, as they were 1920 to 1921 in the form of the " ASSR of the mountain peoples " ("mountain republic" of the Kabardines , Chechens , Ingush , Circassians , Ossetians , Balkars and Karachayers ) had already existed for a short time.

Moscow declared the confederation illegal. It supported the secessions of both Chechnya from Russia and Abkhazia from Georgia , but without breaking with Moscow. Moscow refused to mediate in the conflicts that broke out in the North Caucasus after 1991.

Today the confederation is formally re-existing and its goal is to represent the interests of the Caucasus peoples in the successor states of the Soviet Union . However, it no longer has any political significance.

See also

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