Konrad Ritsch

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Konrad Ritsch

Konrad Ritsch (born November 16, 1906 in Amalienhof; missing since June 1944) was a German politician ( NSDAP ).

Live and act

Konrad Ritsch was born the son of a farmer. After attending primary school and secondary school in Neusalz and Lüben , where he graduated from high school in 1925, Ritsch completed an agricultural apprenticeship on his parents' estate from 1925 to 1927. From 1927 to 1929 he studied law at the universities of Heidelberg , Munich , Rostock , Breslau and Greifswald . Since he broke off the course prematurely, he did not receive a degree. Ritsch married for the first time in 1929. However, the marriage was divorced in 1931. His second marriage followed in 1933.

From 1927 Ritsch was volunteering in the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). He later became a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA), Gauredner and district leader of the NSDAP in Silesia . In connection with his work for the NSDAP, Ritsch was tried several times for political offenses. Ritsch also founded the North Silesian daily newspaper in Glogau , of which he was part of the editorial team as head of the service (editor-in-chief), and which by 1933 became the largest daily newspaper in North Silesia.

In the Reichstag election of March 1933 , Ritsch was elected to the Reichstag for the first time, to which he belonged for two legislative periods until March 1936 as a representative of constituency 8 (Liegnitz). In 1933 Ritsch became a deputy member of the Prussian State Council.

Ritsch later took part in the Second World War. According to a missing person report from the newspaper Die Gegenwart from 1947, he has been missing in the region east of Vitebsk since June 1944 .

Individual evidence

  1. See Konrad Ritsch's entry in the Rostock matriculation portal .
  2. Die Gegenwart , 1947, No. 48/49 p. 37 (December 15, 1947).


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