Council of Autun

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The Council of Autun was a council in the Merovingian Empire initiated by the Franconian Bishop Leodegar . Due to the only fragmentary surviving files, the council cannot be dated more precisely than Leodegar's term of office and must therefore have taken place between 663 and 675 in Autun .

The resolutions of Autun entered the Collectio Vetus Gallica with several canons .

Canon 1 recommended that the clergy acquire the "Faith of St. Athanasius", which is probably the Athanasian creed (Latin: Symbolum Athanasianum ).

Otherwise the council dealt mainly with religious orders. Canon 15 obliged the monks to obedience , poverty and celibacy . These vows, later called evangelical counsels , were not yet a matter of course at this point in time. The overall aim of Autun's resolutions was to remove monasticism from Iro-Scottish influences and instead to align it with Roman standards.

In Autun it was also decided that the convents of the monasteries should in future live according to the Rule of Benedict , which is one of the first proven resolutions of this kind. This pushed back the Columban rule , which had been confirmed at the Synod of Mâcon in 627 . Until the beginning of the 9th century, however, both rules remained in use, mostly in a mixed form. It was not until 817 that the Franconian monasteries were effectively committed to the Rule of Benedict by Reform Abbot Benedict von Aniane with the support of Louis the Pious at the Council of Aachen , which thus became the only authoritative rule of monks throughout the West .


The 2008 crime thriller The Council of the Cursed (German: The Council of the Damned ) by the author Peter Tremayne deals with the Council of Autun.

Individual evidence

  1. Odette Pontal: The Synods in the Merovingian Empire. Paderborn u. a. 1986. pp. 197f.
  2. ^ Hubert Mordek : Canon Law and Reform in the Franconian Empire: The Collectio Vetus Gallica, the oldest systematic canon collection of Franconian Gaul. Berlin 1975. pp. 84ff.
  3. Friedrich Prinz: Early monasticism in the Franconian Empire. Culture and society in Gaul, the Rhineland and Bavaria using the example of monast. Development (4th - 8th centuries). Darmstadt 1988. pp. 147f.