Kornel Salaban

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Kornel Salaban (* 1886 in Czernowitz , Bukowina , Austria-Hungary ; date of death unknown) was a German author and forger .


Kornel (or Karl Hans) Salaban was the son of a military doctor and claims to have been a lieutenant in the Austro-Hungarian army. In 1911 he worked as an actor in Stettin , then went to Vienna, was in Lemberg in 1916 and then came to Hamburg, where he is said to have been an actor again. Here he founded a shipping office under the false name "Otto Meißner" with fraudulent intent. There was a trial at which Salaban was acquitted of incapacity .

In February 1918 he came to Berlin with his wife Martha and daughter Erika, where he initially ran a chemical wholesaler, which went bankrupt. Salaban acquired a false doctorate and published the European Book of Lawyers and Notaries in 1926 .

From the end of 1928 to the beginning of 1932 Salaban produced almost 60,000 false 2-mark coins in the basement of his villa in Berlin-Lichterfelde and brought them into circulation with his wife at Berlin vegetable markets. The two were finally captured, and on July 29, 1932 the trial began at the Berlin district court. Kornel Salaban was sentenced to five years in prison and ten years of loss of civil rights . The wife Martha received one year in prison for aiding and abetting. Nothing is known about Salaban's whereabouts.


  • Karlheinz Walz: "For 10 pfennigs soup green". The master forger Salaban . In: Münzen & Papiergeld 12/2001, pp. 64–66