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Korrhagos ( Greek  Κόρραγος ; † 331 BC or after) was a Macedonian general in the 4th century BC.

When in 331 BC In Europe, the rumor of the death of Alexander the Great , who was currently on the Asian campaign , got around the Spartans under King Agis III. the favor to restore their hegemony in the Peloponnese . Because Alexander's deputy in Macedonia and in the Corinthian league , Antipater , had to deal with a revolt by the governor of Thrace , Memnon , Korrhagos first took up the fight with the Spartans. Presumably he was in command of the Macedonian garrison stationed in Corinth , or he led a Macedonian advance command. In a battle near a place not named in the lore, Korrhagos was defeated in the summer of 331 BC. However, it is unclear whether he was killed in the process.

In the Battle of Megalopolis , Antipater was able to defeat the Spartans decisively only a few months later and Agis III. kill.

Whether Korrhagos was the father of Stratonike , the wife of the Diadoch ruler Antigonus I. Monophthalmos , cannot be proven with any source. The same applies to an identification with a warrior of the same name who lived in India in 325 BC. BC challenged the Olympic champion Dioxippos to a duel.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Aeschines , Against Ctesiphon 3, 165.
  2. For the dating of the Korrhagos battle see AB Bosworth: The Mission of Amphoterus and the Outbreak of Agis' War , in: Phoenix , Vol. 29, No. 1 (1975), p. 28
  3. ^ Plutarch , Demetrius 2, 1.
  4. Diodorus 17, 100-101.