Koschomkul Kaba uluu

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Koschomkul Kaba uluu (Kyrgyzstan: Кожомкул Каба уулу = Koschomkul son of Kaba; * 1888 in Koschomkul , Kyrgyzstan ; † 1955 ibid) was a wrestler and folk hero in Kyrgyzstan . His place of birth in the Suusamyr Valley was named after him.

Koschomkuls statue in front of the Sports Palace in Bishkek


The 2.30 m tall and more than 250 kg heavy giant is said to have been incredibly strong. According to a legend, one day his riding horse got stuck in high mud, exhausted in continuous rain, whereupon he took it on his shoulder and carried it 100 m until it was able to walk again. On his mother's grave, he placed a 160 kg boulder that he had carried several kilometers from the river bed. He won numerous wrestling matches and remained undefeated throughout his life; He also defeated the previously undefeated Baluan Scholak from Kazakhstan after a 23-minute fight after he had challenged him.

He was chairman of the kolkhoz farm in his home village in the Suusamyr Valley in the 1920s and 1930s . When he refused to incriminate the chairman of the kolkhoz in the neighboring village with a false testimony to the NKVD in 1937 - during the "cleansing" of the Great Terror initiated by Stalin , he was sentenced to one year in prison, which he received in a penal camp in the remote Jumgal district , Naryn area , dismounted. His steadfastness made him even more popular.

Be a Kyrgyz Yurt modeled on stone tomb in a earthquake damaged and since then protected under a wooden pavilion roof is, close to the south of its in the 1990s named after him home village Koschomkul ( 42 ° 8 '13'  N , 74 ° 4 '30 "  O ) in the Suusamyr Valley and a small, privately operated museum, where some of his clothing can also be seen, is in the village itself.


Postage stamp from 2013

Koschomkul is seen as the embodiment of Kyrgyz virtues such as honesty, stubbornness and love of home.

  • The sports palace in the state capital Bishkek is named after him, and in front of the building stands a monumental sculpture ( 42 ° 52 ′ 42 ″  N , 74 ° 35 ′ 45 ″  E ), which shows him riding his horse on his shoulder wearing.
  • In 2013, the Kyrgyz post was a 30- Som - stamp with his likeness and an image of the statue out.
  • In January 2018, the Kyrgyz Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism announced that a film would be produced about the life of the folk hero.
  • On June 30, 2019, a big celebration for the 130th anniversary of his birth took place in the Suusamyr Valley near his birthplace with the participation of President Sooronbai Dscheenbekow , with competitions in wrestling, rock lifting and horse lifting.


  1. According to other versions of the legend, the horse got stuck in deep snow during a blizzard.
  2. 24.kg news agency: Kyrgyzstan to produce film about Kaba uulu Kozhomkul ; January 23, 2018 (accessed December 11, 2019)
  3. Kyrgyzstan remembers Kaba Uulu Kozhomkul (Anadolu Agency, June 30, 2019; video, 4:16 min; accessed December 11, 2019)

Web links


  • Stephan Flechtner & Dagmar Schreiber: Kyrgyzstan - To the peaks of Tien Schan and Pamir. 5th edition, Trescher Verlag, Berlin, 2018, ISBN 978-3-89794-387-2 , p. 174