Kostas Myrsiades

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Kostas Myrsiades (born May 21, 1940 ) is an American comparator , Anglicist and Neo-Greekist of Greek origin.


Myrsiades was Professor of Comparative Literature and English Studies at West Chester University , Pennsylvania , and translator from Greek. In 2011 he retired.

He works in the field of ancient and modern Greek literature, including Homer and his reception, the Karagiozis theater and the Greek guerrilla theater. He organized translations in particular for Giannis Ritsos and Takis Papatsonis . He also wrote poetry himself.

Myrsiades has published a total of 19 books and numerous articles and has given various invited lectures, including one as part of the Elytis Chair Lecture Series of Poetry and Neohellenic Studies at Rutgers University .

He is the editor of College Literature , an award-winning quarterly periodical on literary criticism, literary theory and literary education. He is also an associate editor of the Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora , a leading neo-Gothic periodical.

His wife, Linda S. Myrsiades, is also a neo-Greekist, has worked with him many times and also retired in 2011.


In 1995, Myrsiades was the first American to receive the gold medal from the Hellenic Society of Translators of Literature (Ελληνική Εταιρεία Μεταφραστών Λογοτεχνίας) for his translations from Greek.

Fonts (selection)

Monographs and Articles

  • (Ed.): Approaches to Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. Peter Lang, New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Vienna, 2010
  • (Ed.): Reading Homer. Film and text. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison / Teaneck 2009, limited preview ; Review by Robert J. Rabel, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 03/12/2010
  • Reading The Gunfighter as Homeric Epic. In: College Literature 34.2, Spring 2007, pp. 279-300.
  • (Ed.): The Beat Generation: Critical Essays. 2002.
  • (Ed., With Henry Giroux): Beyond the Corporate Universe: Pedagogy, Culture, and Literary Studies in the new Millennium. 2001
  • (with Linda S. Myrsiades): Karagiozis: Culture & Comedy in Greek Puppet Theater. The University Press of Kentucky, 1999, limited preview
  • (with Linda S. Myrsiades): Cultural Representation in Historical Resistance: Complexity and Construction in Greek Guerrilla Theater. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press 1999, limited preview
  • (with Linda S. Myrsiades): Un-Disiplining Literature. New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt / M., Vienna, 1999.
  • (with Linda S. Myrsiades): Race-ing Representation: Voice, History, and Sexuality. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham 1998, limited preview
  • (with Linda S. Myrsiades): Margins in the Classroom. Teaching Literature. University of Minnesota Press, 1994.


  • Others Must Dance for the Lord Dionysus Now. Pella, 1993.


  • John Stephens Crawford: Myth, Alienation and the Poetry of Kostas Myrsiades. In: Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 21, 1995, 31-47.

Web links