Bremen-Hafen power plant

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Bremen-Hafen power plant
The Bremen-Hafen power plant
The Bremen-Hafen power plant
Bremen-Hafen power plant (Bremen)
Bremen-Hafen power plant
Coordinates 53 ° 7 '30 "  N , 8 ° 43' 43"  E Coordinates: 53 ° 7 '30 "  N , 8 ° 43' 43"  E
country GermanyGermany Germany
Primary energy Fossil energy
fuel Hard coal , medium caloric
power 490 MW electr.
59 MW therm.
owner swb Generation AG & Co. KG
operator swb Generation AG & Co. KG
Website Power plant side at swb
was standing June 26, 2010
The power plant from above

The Bremen-Hafen power plant was built in 1957 in the industrial harbors part of the Bremen district of Häfen . It is located on the right bank of the Weser in the north of Bremen and is a conventional coal-fired power station . The power plant is operated by swb Generation AG & Co. KG . The Bremen medium-caloric power plant was also put into operation on the premises in 2009 , the steam cycle of which is integrated into the steam network of the Hafen power plant.


Console for controlling the Bremen-Hafen power plant

In 1957, the coal-fired power plant was built with two power plant blocks. The reason for this was the increasing demand for electricity at what was then Klöckner Hütte (now ArcelorMittal ). The two power plant blocks are given a load-dependent control to absorb brief load surges from the steelworks.

Two more blocks followed in 1962 and 1964.

In 1968 the 140 MW unit 5 and 1979 unit 6 were added. Block 6 has a 256 meter high chimney, which is the tallest structure in Bremen.

Today, both blocks have 416 megawatts of electrical and 56 megawatts of thermal output .

The CHP plant produced by cogeneration both electricity and district heating for the west of Bremen.

On November 4, 2011, the supervisory boards of swb AG and its majority shareholder EWE AG decided in two extraordinary meetings to provide 47 million euros for a so-called retrofit of block 6. Due to the work carried out from August to October 2013, the term of the block has been extended to 2025. In addition, the efficiency increased by 2.5 percent and its output by 22 to 300 megawatts net. The increase in energy efficiency also leads to a reduction in the specific CO 2 load per generated kilowatt hour. Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen Bremen criticized in a press release that in times of the energy turnaround one is holding onto power plants with fossil fuels for additional years and that modernization ties up financial means that could be used to expand renewable energy sources.

At the beginning of 2014, Block 5 was transferred to the cold reserve.

Technical specifications

Net power 131 MW electr. (Block 5, currently in cold reserve)
  330 MW electr. (Block 6)
  29 MW electr. (MKK)
  56 MW thermal (block 5, 6 and MKK)
Power generation approx. 2.656 million MWh / a electr. (Block 5 and 6)
  approx. 235,000 MWh / a electr. (MKK)
  approx. 95,000 MWh / a thermal (block 5, 6 and MKK)
Installation Block 5 1968
  Block 6 1979
  MKK 2009

The grid connection takes place at the 110 kV high voltage level in the power grid of the distribution network operator Wesernetz .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ZfK newspaper for local economy: Bremer Kraftwerk Hafen back on the grid from October 4, 2013, accessed on December 20, 2013.
  2. Get out of coal power in Bremen and Bremerhaven! (Press release) Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in the Bremen Citizenship, October 7, 2011, accessed on December 4, 2019 .
  3. swb has held its own in a tense market , swb press archive from April 5, 2014 ( Memento from April 9, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Federal Network Agency power plant list (nationwide; all network and transformer levels) as of July 2nd, 2012. ( Microsoft Excel file, 1.6 MiB) Archived from the original on July 22, 2012 ; Retrieved July 21, 2012 .

Web links

Commons : Kraftwerk Bremen-Hafen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files