Warrior settlement

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War settlements emerged as an element of the state and organized war victims' welfare .


During the course of the First World War , the idea arose of making it easier for those wounded to return home to buy a small house with a garden. These apartments, to which a sufficiently dimensioned piece of garden land always had to be added, should enable the war returnees to secure their survival through gardening and manual work. The shape of the single-family house was seen as the best: “A person with injuries in the arms and legs cannot be expected to live four flights of stairs up. On the other hand, an apartment on the ground floor can be provided in the small settlement without any difficulties. "

The economic situation in Germany after the First World War delayed the implementation of this form of assistance for war victims, so that such settlements emerged all over Germany in the second half of the 1920s.



Individual evidence

  1. Muthesius, p. 119