Krishan Kant

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Krishan Kant (born February 28, 1927 in Kot Mohammad Khan, Amritsar , Punjab , † July 27, 2002 in New Delhi ) was an Indian politician .


Kant began to be politically active at an early age and participated in the struggle for independence against the British colonial power at a young age .

In 1966 he was elected a member of the Upper House ( Rajya Sabha ) of Parliament. Between 1977 and 1980 he was a member of the Lower House ( Lok Sabha ). In 1990 he was appointed governor of the state of Andhra Pradesh and held this office until 1997, making him one of the longest-serving governors of any state. Throughout his political career, he has been a strong advocate of India's nuclear procurement drive . Also Kant was one of the founders of the People's Union for Civil Rights (People's Union of Civil Liberties), an influential human rights organization .

As a joint candidate of the coalition of the United Front and the Congress Party , he was elected Vice President of India in 1997 and was therefore President KR Narayanan's representative from August 21, 1997 until his death . He died shortly before the end of his term of office, making him the only Vice President to date to have died in office.

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