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Kruhloluhiwka (German Rundewiese , Russian Рундевизе , since 1945 Ukrainian Круглолугівка Kruhloluhiwka ) was a German colony in the Russian Empire . It was in the Chernigov governorate , Bachmatsch district, and was founded in 1766 by Lutherans from Hesse , Saxony , Hanover and Prussia .

In 1768 the colonists built the first 25 houses. In 1859 there were 495 people living in the colony.

In 1832, 26 families from the mother colony Rundewiese founded the daughter colony, No. 21 Rundewiese, today: Luhanske in Rosiwka Rajon near Mariupol .

From 1885 onwards, 856 people lived in the parent colony Rundewiese, there were 83 courtyards and a Lutheran house of prayer. At the 1897 census, 1011 people lived in the village. Due to a regional reform in 1923, the village came under the administration of the Konotop community . From 1924, 1,012 people lived on 186 farms in the village.

In the summer of 1929 the collectivization of the farms began. The German farmers protested against the forced collectivization with mass protests. In 1929, three residents were sentenced to five years in prison by the Konotop Court. During the Stalinist repression from 1937 to 1938, 16 villagers were sentenced to death, including a woman (Maria Kister-Stvinska), six men from the Melcher family and three men from the Braun family. Another 13 residents were sentenced to 5 to 10 years in a camp.

At the end of August 1941, the Bolshevik authorities issued an order to deport the Germans to the eastern regions of the country. However, the NKVD Chernihiv department was unable to comply with this order, as Chernihiv was captured by the Germans on September 9th. German troops reached the village of Rundewiese on September 14, 1941.

From August 1943 a large-scale evacuation of ethnic Germans from the territory of the Reichskommissariat Ukraine began . When the front approached in late August / early September 1943, the residents, together with Germans from other Lutheran villages (Білі Вежі № 2, Городок, Кальчинівка) set out for the west.

After Rundewiese was liberated by the Red Army , the remaining Germans were deported to Kazakhstan and Siberia, and only Ukrainians remained in the village. In March 1944 the refugees were housed in western Warthegau , in January 1945 they fled further west. In occupied Germany, some residents of Rundewiese were found by search teams of the NKVD and deported to the Kirov and Vologda regions in Russia; some managed to escape.

In June 1945, the village of Rundevizia was renamed in Russian Круглолугівка Krugolugovka and Ukrainian Круглолугівка Kruhloluhiwka . In September 2009, the village was officially declared dissolved and removed from the register of the district council of Biloweschi Perschi .

Individual evidence

  1. Брандес Д. , Плеве И. Энциклопедия немцев России. Беловежские колонии.
  2. Список населенных мест Российской Империи по сведениям 1859 года. - Т. XLVIII: Черниговская губерния.
  3. ^ The colonies near Mariupol on the Sea of ​​Azov
  4. Губернии Малороссийские и юго-западные: Харьковская, Полтавская, Черниговская, Керниговская, Киеквская, Вадоя .Пая .Пая. - 1885.
  5. Населенные места Российской империи в 500 и более жителей с указанием всего наличного в них населения и числа жителей преобладающих вероисповеданий , по данным первой всеобщей переписи населения 1897 г.
  6. Список населенных мест Черниговской губернии. 1924 год / Центральное статистическое управление; Черниговское губернское статистическое бюро. - Чернигов: Госпипиполитография, 1924. - 164 c.
  7. Реабілітовані історією. Чернігівська область. Книга 3.
  8. Реабілітовані історією. Чернігівська область. Книга 6.
  9. Постановление политбюро ЦК ВКП (б) "О немцах, проживающих не территории Украинской ССР" от 31.08.1941.
  10. Немецкое население СССР на оккупированных территориях. Репатрианты.
  11. deletion of the village Kruhloluhiwka from the register of the village council of Biloweschi Perschi of Rajon Bakhmach on the official website of the Oblastverwaltung Oblast Chernihiv; accessed on September 28, 2019 (Ukrainian)

Coordinates: 51 ° 1 ′ 33 ″  N , 32 ° 40 ′ 20 ″  E