Krypton staining

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The Krypton staining refers to a protein staining with the fluorescent dye Krypton .


The krypton stain is a fluorescent stain for the detection of proteins, e.g. B. after prior separation by SDS-PAGE , 2D gel electrophoresis . Krypton has an absorption maximum at a wavelength of 520 nm and an emission maximum at 580 nm. The detection limit is less than 1 ng protein after a staining time of 2.5 hours .

Alternative fluorescent protein dyes are e.g. B. Epicocconon (DeepPurple), SYPRO Ruby , SYPRO Orange , SYPRO Red , Flamingo , Lucy and Oriole . Other frequently used non-fluorescent protein stains are e.g. B. the silver color and the Coomassie brilliant blue color (fluorescent in the infrared range).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Jay Nadeau: Introduction to Experimental Biophysics: Biological Methods for Physical Scientists. CRC Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4398-9740-9 , p. 149.
  2. ^ A b Richard M. Twyman: Principles of Proteomics. Garland Science, 2013, ISBN 978-1-317-75302-5 , p. 72.
  3. ^ LR Harris, MA Churchward, RH Butt, JR Coorssen: Assessing detection methods for gel-based proteomic analyzes. In: J Proteome Res. Volume 6, No. 4, 2007, pp. 1418-1425, PMID 17367184 .