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Kulturweit is a German cultural-political voluntary service. It was set up by the German UNESCO Commission and the Federal Foreign Office . The volunteers work in an institution of the state German foreign cultural and educational policy, such as B. a Goethe-Institut or a German school. The service is financed from the Federal Foreign Office's budget; Anna Veigel is the managing director.


The voluntary service was founded in 2009. Since then, the "international cultural volunteer" sends kulturweit about 400 volunteers for 6-12 months in countries of the Global South and Eastern Europe.

target group

Kulturweit sends young people between the ages of 18 and 26 who live in Germany. For six or twelve months they can work as volunteers in countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America as well as in countries of the CIS, Central, Southeast and Eastern Europe.

Fields of application

Volunteers are mainly involved in foreign cultural and educational policy institutions . Partners of the voluntary service are the German Academic Exchange Service , the German Archaeological Institute , the Goethe Institute , the Deutsche Welle Academy and the Pedagogical Exchange Service in cooperation with the Central Office for Schools Abroad . In addition, numerous UNESCO national commissions worldwide are partners of the service.

Typical tasks of the kulturweit volunteers are the pedagogical work in German schools abroad, in particular the implementation of teaching assistants, supervision activities for the afternoon offers of the schools and the organization and implementation of project weeks. At the German Academic Exchange Service, the Goethe Institute and the UNESCO National Commissions, the volunteers are often deployed in the areas of public relations, project and cultural management and language teaching. In the regional departments of the German Archaeological Institute, the volunteers can be active in the preparation and presentation of archaeological specialist archives and in public relations.

Organizational framework

People who do a Kulturweit voluntary service receive 200 euros per month for accommodation and meals and 150 euros in pocket money. In addition, travel expenses are subsidized. The volunteers themselves have to bear the travel costs to the preparatory and follow-up seminars in Germany and all other costs in the host country that exceed the support mentioned. As the supporting organization, the German UNESCO Commission takes out health, liability and accident insurance abroad for all volunteers. In addition, the social security contributions are paid. The voluntary service with kulturweit is considered a voluntary social year (FSJ) within the meaning of the Youth Voluntary Service Act .


In 2014, Kulturweit was awarded the Quifd seal of quality for the third time as one of 22 certified sending organizations by Quifd - the agency for quality in voluntary services.


Kulturweit is the most heavily government-funded voluntary service characterized by a government-compliant implementation.

Former participants, team end and criticize active in the development policy that kulturweit part is the foreign educational and cultural policies and to protect German economic and power-political interests used worldwide. The program works almost exclusively with state German partner organizations.

The meaning and effect of the service of kulturweit and other voluntary services in the projects visited are repeatedly questioned by professional employees in the field of development policy. In the opinion of the diplomats of the commissioning Foreign Office, volunteer services are “a lot of fun” and help “to critically question the foreign culture as well as one's own”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 5 theses on culture-wide - the world should recover from the German being. - MiGAZIN. March 31, 2015, accessed on September 13, 2019 (German).
  2. Imprint. Retrieved September 13, 2019 .
  3. Actors. Website culture wide. Retrieved December 8, 2013.
  5. "It's about the world being able to communicate with us in German". March 31, 2015, accessed on September 13, 2019 (German).
  6. Sebastian Erb: Volunteers: Adventure vacation at state expense? In: Spiegel online . November 8, 2010.