Kurata Hyakuzo

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Hyakuzō Kurata

Kurata Hyakuzō ( Japanese. 倉田 百 三 ; * February 23, 1891 in Shobara , Hiroshima Prefecture ; † February 12, 1943 in Kamakura , Kanagawa Prefecture ) was a Japanese writer and literary critic.

Kurata was best known as an author of religious literature. Shukke to sono deshi (The priest and his disciple) appeared in sequels in the magazine Seimei no kawa in 1916 and was published in book form the following year. Furthermore, Kurata wrote a novel about the Buddhist religious founder Shinran .


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Individual evidence

  1. 倉田 百 三 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at kotobank.jp. Retrieved December 22, 2011 (Japanese).