Hessian Society for Art and Science

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The Kurhessische Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft eV is an association in Kassel .


The society was founded in 1912 on the initiative of Kassel citizens by the director of the Royal Museum Fridericianum , Johannes Boehlau , and the director of the Murhard library , Georg Steinhausen . Based on their experience with visitors to the Kassel museums and libraries and with parliamentary and administrative support, the founders set up the company free of all one-sided interests in maintaining interdisciplinary education. The program and the statutes stipulate that the lectures are scientific. The speakers should make the presentation generally understandable and in a pleasing and stimulating form. Since then, the aim has remained unchanged to convey new results in the sciences and arts to the general public through a series of lectures. The aim is to promote intellectual life in Kassel and the region.

On February 26, 2012, the Kurhessische Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft eV celebrated its 100th anniversary.

Peter Gercke was the CEO until 2018 . Harald Kimpel followed him .


Speakers were u. a. Georg Simmel , Albrecht Penck , Richard Hamann , Franz Rosenzweig , Heinrich Schäfer , Max Born , Martin Heidegger , Leo Frobenius , Ernst von Alster , Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski , Otto Hahn , Paul Tillich , Friedrich von Weizsäcker , Hans Rothfels , Klaus Mehnert , Ernst May , Oswald von Nell-Breuning , Annemarie Schimmel , Manfred Hausmann , Walther Killy , Ulrich Sonnemann and Martin Roth .

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