Kurt Albert (industrialist)

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Tomb of Dr. Kurt Albert at the north cemetery in Wiesbaden

Kurt Theodor Albert (born March 29, 1881 in Biebrich ; † March 19, 1945 ) was a German chemist and industrialist .


He was the grandson of the chief forester Konrad Albert (1792–1870) and his wife Anna Katharina Ferg (1793–1866). His father was the chemist, industrialist and commercial advisor Heinrich Albert and his mother Antonie nee Anthes (1854–1942).

His older brother Paul (1876-1903) was a well-known cyclist who died in a car accident in 1903. His second oldest brother Ernst Albert (1877–1911), successor in his father's company, was also killed in an accident while climbing a mountain. Since 1907 he was married to Katharina van Endert, divorced Daelen, later Katharina von Kardorff-Oheimb (1879–1962), German politician ( DVP ).

Kurt Albert attended the secondary school in Wiesbaden and studied. After receiving his doctorate in 1904 as Dr. phil. at the University of Berlin he went on extensive study trips to Siberia, Japan, China and India. When he returned home, he founded the Chemische Fabriken Dr. Kurt Albert GmbH for the production of synthetic resins. After the death of his brother Ernst Albert, he became chairman of the supervisory board of the chemical works formerly H. & E. Albert , Mainz-Amöneburg and of the stock corporation for pulp and paper manufacture Aschaffenburg . Kurt Albert was also a member of the supervisory boards of numerous other companies. He lived mainly in Berlin and died shortly before his 64th birthday at the end of the Second World War.


Individual evidence

  1. The daughter of Ernst Albert and his wife Katharina is the mother of the actress Kathrin Ackermann and the grandmother of the actress Maria Furtwängler from her first marriage to Hans Ackermann. In her second marriage, Elisabeth Ackermann married the conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler . See: The Berlin Salon in the 19th Century (1780-1914) by Petra Wilhelmy, Petra Wilhelmy-Dollinger. Retrieved March 4, 2019 .