Heinrich Albert (industrialist)

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Heinrich Albert
The Albert Wappenstein from 1890
Family grave of Heinrich Albert

Johann Heinrich Albert (born February 12, 1835 in Amorbach , † December 31, 1908 in Biebrich ) was a German chemist and industrialist .

He was born the son of the chief forester Konrad Albert (1792–1870) and his wife Anna Katharina Ferg (1793–1866). He received his scientific training from Justus von Liebig in Munich. Liebig also developed principles of agricultural chemistry .

Heinrich Albert founded Chemische Werke H. & E. Albert with his brother Eugen Albert (1830–1879) in 1858 with the financial participation of various family members and was involved in the development of patents for the fertilizer industry.

In 1874 he married Antonie Anthes (1854–1942). From this marriage three sons were born.

The son Paul (1876–1903) was a well-known cyclist, but died in a car accident in 1903.
His son Ernst Albert (1877–1911), successor in the company, was also killed in an accident (mountain climbing). Since 1907 he was married to Katharina van Endert, divorced Daelen, later Katharina von Kardorff-Oheimb (1879–1962), German politician ( DVP ).
His youngest son Dr. Kurt (Theodor) Albert (1881–1945) founded the Chemische Fabriken Dr. Kurt Albert GmbH for the production of synthetic resins.

In 1899 he also founded Tonindustrie AG Klingenberg, then Tonindustrie Albertwerke GmbH Worms and Offstein. In 1940 the companies of Heinrich Albert and that of his son Kurt merged .


Web links

Commons : Heinrich Albert  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Ernst Albert's daughter Elisabeth and his wife Katharina are the mother of actress Kathrin Ackermann and the grandmother of actress Maria Furtwängler from her first marriage to Hans Ackermann. In her second marriage, Elisabeth Ackermann married the conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler . See: The Berlin Salon in the 19th Century (1780-1914) by Petra Wilhelmy, Petra Wilhelmy-Dollinger. Retrieved October 5, 2012 .