Kurt Vogler

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Memorial plaque to Kurt Vogler in Leipzig

Kurt Vogler (born October 10, 1893 in Hamburg , † 1963 in Leipzig ) was a German landscape painter .


Kurt Vogler was a student of the Swiss painters Hans Bachmann and Joseph von Moos (1859–1939) at the Lucerne School of Applied Arts . He went on study trips within Germany and Switzerland as well as to Italy, France and Norway. For a long time he lived in Unterammergau , later he lived in Leipzig - Neustadt , where he led a well-off life as a freelance painter with his wife and two sons. In 1938 he had a special exhibition in the Künstlerhaus Leipzig .


  • Vogler, Kurt. In: Hans Vollmer : General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. Volume 5: V – Z, Supplements A – G. EA Seemann, Leipzig 1961.
  • Vogler, Kurt . In: General Artist Lexicon. Bio-bibliographical index A – Z. Volume 10: Torrico-Z. KG Saur, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-598-23920-3 , p. 312.

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Individual evidence

  1. A picture returns. Article from December 28, 2016 in the ln-online.de portal , accessed on March 29, 2020.