Kyanippos (son of Aigialeus)

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Kyanippus , the son of Aigialeus with a nelid , was the last king of Argos from the house of the Biantides .

Since both his grandfather Adrastos , the then king of Argos, and his father died in the procession of the Epigones , he was the rightful successor to the throne. At that time he was still a minor and therefore Diomedes and Euryalus took over the guardianship and ruled the country. Later Kyanippos took over the affairs of state, but died childless and so the claim to government of the Biantids fell to Kylarabes and thus again to the actual royal family of the Anaxagorids .


  • Pausanias , Travels in Greece , 2, 18, 4 - 5; 2, 30, 10.
predecessor Office successor
List of the kings of Argos
12th century BC Chr.
( Fictional chronology )