Klaus Schneider (athlete)

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Klaus Schneider (born September 16, 1950 in Magdeburg ) is the German national coach for women and men in the shot put .


Klaus Schneider attended the children's and youth sports school (KJS) in Magdeburg from the age of ten until he graduated from high school. As a teenager and junior he was active in the decathlon . He set his best performance of 7033 points on May 23 and 24, 1970 in Erfurt. In 1970 he also played in the GDR national team. Due to an injury, he had to quit competitive sports early.

He then devoted himself to his studies in sports science and became a coach. He looked after the discus thrower Armin Lemme and the shot putter Kathrin Neimke . Neimke won the silver medal at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul and the bronze medal in Barcelona in 1992.

Schneider has been training the 2004 Olympic runner-up and four-time vice world champion and European champion Nadine Kleinert as an exercise bike for years . Heike Koderisch, third in the German Discus Championships 2010, has also been part of his Magdeburg throwing group since 2009.

Klaus Schneider, along with ten other coaches, was accused by the WDR broadcast Monitor before the Olympic Games in Sydney of having a history of doping in the GDR . The German Athletics Association (DLV) denied these allegations.

Klaus Schneider is married and has three sons.


  • Klaus Schneider was honored by the German Athletics Association alongside Helge Zöllkau as “Trainer of the Year 2004”.
  • Klaus Schneider was honored as "Trainer of the Year 2007" by the Saxony-Anhalt regional association.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Report on Rheinische Post Online
  2. Report on Leichtathletik.de