Kye Yong-muk

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Kye Yong-muk
Hangeul 계용묵
Hanja 桂 鎔 黙
Gye Yong-muk
Kye Yong-muk

Kye Yong-muk (born September 8, 1904 in Sŏnch'ŏn , P'yŏngan-pukto , then Korea , now North Korea ; † August 9, 1961 ) was a South Korean writer .


Kye Yong-muk was born on September 8, 1904 under the name Ha T'ae-yong ( kor. 하 태용 ) in Sŏnch'ŏn. He studied Oriental Studies at Tōyō University in Japan . He made his debut with the poem The Disappearance of the Writing School ( 글방 이 깨어져 ), which was published in 1920 in the youth magazine Saesori ( 새소리 ). However, since the publication of Mr. Choi ( 최 서방 ), he turned to short story writing.

In August 1943 he was charged with disrespect to the Japanese Emperor and found guilty. In the ideological dispute that broke out in the Korean literary world after Korea's independence from Japan in 1945, he therefore always tried to adopt a position that was as impartial as possible. He died on August 9, 1961.

His early works such as B. Mr. Choi or The landowner with human characteristics ( 인두 지주 , 人頭 蜘蛛 ) are influenced by socialist ideas. Both describe the plight of tenants who are exploited by their malicious landlords.

When Kye returned to the literary world after a break, however, he no longer pursued his subjects from a left-wing perspective. His work Adada, the idiot ( 백치 아다다 ), which was published in 1935, shows clear signs of this change. The work describes the story of a mentally disabled woman and criticizes contemporary social mores. In later works he concentrated more and more on the art of writing and appealed to mysticism and complex symbolism. He continues to regard the desire for material possessions as the root of many evils, but in order to survive many of his characters have no choice but to indulge in this desire.



  • 인두 지주 The landowner with human characteristics (1928)
  • 백치 아다다 Adada the Idiot (1935)
  • 목가 Pastorale (1935)
  • 장벽 The barricade (1936)
  • 병풍 에 그린 닭 이 The Chicken on the Screen (1936)
  • 오리알 The Duck Egg (1936)
  • 청춘 도 ( 靑 春 圖 ) The Image of Youth (1938)
  • 마부 The Carter (1939)
  • 신기루 Fata Morgana (1940)
  • 별 을 헨다 Counting Stars (1946)



  • Korean Literature - Selected Stories, Volume 2 Moderne , Bouvier (1986)
  • Modern Korean Stories , Institute of Korean Culture (1984)

Individual evidence

  1. Other common transcriptions can be viewed under Korean Literature Authors Name Authority Database: 계 용목 ( Memento of the original from October 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed on August 5, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. 네이버 인물 검색: 계 용목 Retrieved August 5, 2014 (Korean)
  3. Author Database of the LTI Korea: ( Memento of the original from June 7, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed on August 5, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /