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Location of Kynosargous within Athens
The church of Agios Panteleimon Ilissou in the north of Kynosargous

Kynosargous ( Greek Κυνοσάργους ) is a district in the south of Athens, which was formerly called Dourgouti ( Greek Δουργούτι ). It was named after the ancient Kynosarges high school that was located in the northern part of the district.

The district is bordered in the southwest by the street Amvrousiou Frantzi , in the south by Ilia Iliou , in the east by Ilioupoleos , Karea and Athanasiou Diakou and in the northeast by Leoforos Andrea Siggrou .

Web links

Commons : Kynosargous  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 37 ° 57 ′ 47 "  N , 23 ° 43 ′ 50"  E