László Kún

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László Kún: Ocskay brigadéros for voice and piano

László Kún (born August 18, 1869 in Sarkad , † 1939 in New York City ) was a Hungarian composer and conductor .


Kún studied composition from 1887 to 1890 at the Royal Hungarian Music Academy in Budapest . He then worked as Kapellmeister at the National Theater in Kolozsvár in 1895 and at the National Theater in Budapest in 1896 . From 1897 he taught piano and singing at the drama school of Vígszínház and was director of the orchestra at this theater. He also worked as a teacher at the Ernő Fodor Music Academy. In 1909 he returned from Vígszínház to the National Theater in Budapest. Kún was interested in contemporary compositions and in 1911 he performed Feu d'artifice for the first time in Hungary, a work by Igor Stravinsky . He wrote a number of musical stage works based on literary models. In the early 1920s he went to the United States and in March 1925 became Kapellmeister of the Guild Theater in New York.

Works (selection)

  • A kiralynő férje , comic opera
  • Bolond Istók , Singspiel in three acts
  • Helyreasszony
  • Ocskay brigadéros
  • Rákóczi fia
  • Rontó Pál
  • Scherzo , for orchestra
  • Többsincs királyfi (based on the book of the same name by Elek Benedek)


  • Kún László . In: Magyar színművészeti lexikon, Volume III, p. 63. Budapest, 1929–1931.
  • David E. Schneider: Bartók, Hungary, and the Renewal of Tradition . University of California Press, Berkeley 2006, ISBN 9780520245037 .