Elongated otter clam

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Elongated otter clam
Elongated otter mussel (Lutraria magna) (holotype, from Mendes da Costa 1778: plate 17, fig. 4 [1])

Elongated otter mussel ( Lutraria magna ) (holotype, from Mendes da Costa 1778: plate 17, fig. 4)

Superordinate : Imparidentia
Order :
Superfamily : Mactroidea
Family : Trough clams (Mactridae)
Genre : Lutraria
Type : Elongated otter clam
Scientific name
Lutraria magna
( da Costa , 1778)

The elongated otter mussel ( Lutraria magna ) is a species of mussel from the family of trough mussels (Mactridae) that is widespread in the North Atlantic .


The same-folding, non-inflated housing is up to 13 cm long. The ratio of length to max. Height is about 2.3. It is strongly asymmetrical, the vertebrae are shifted far towards the front end (about 25% of the total length from the front end). The outline of the case is broadly elliptical. The rear dorsal margin is concave, the front, wide convex dorsal margin is short and drops steeply. The rear end is broadly rounded. The ventral edge is also well rounded, the lowest point is roughly in the middle of the case. The housing gapes at the front and rear ends; two relatively large openings remain open even when the housing is otherwise closed. At the ventral margin only about a third of the length is actually closed. The ligament is external and internal. The external, behind the vertebrae, ligament is a small, dark brown band. The internal ligament sits on a large, spoon-shaped process (chondrophor). The top of the pit sits just below the vertebrae. There are two cardinal teeth in the left valve that form a V-shaped structure just in front of the ligamentous pit. There is also a very small, thin lateral tooth between the ligament pit and the two large cardinal teeth, which breaks off very easily, as well as two small, lamellar posterior teeth. There are two cardinal teeth in the right valve, but no lateral teeth. The coat is deeply indented at the back, the tip of the bay even crosses the center line to the front. At the ventral edge, the mantle edge and the ventral part of the mantle bay coincide for almost the entire length of the bay.

The whitish shell is thick-walled and very firm. The ornamentation consists of concentric lines and pits. The inner edge of the case is smooth. The periostracum is scaly, the color varies from yellowish, dark green to brown.

Geographical distribution, habitat and way of life

The range of the species extends from the coastal waters of southwest England to Senegal and the Cape Verde Islands . It is also found in the Mediterranean. It lives there in sandy, sandy-muddy and gravelly soils from the low water line to about 30 meters water depth. It digs between 10 and 40 cm deep.


The taxon was established by Emanuel Mendes da Costa as Chama magna . In the literature (and also online) the species is often referred to as Lutraria oblonga (Gmelin, 1791), a more recent synonym .

supporting documents


  • Fritz Gosselck, Alexander Darr, Jürgen HJ Jungbluth, Michael Zettler: common names for mollusks of the sea and brackish water in Germany. Mollusca, 27 (1): 3–32, 2009 PDF (p. 26)
  • Fritz Nordsieck : The European sea shells (Bivalvia). From the Arctic Ocean to Cape Verde, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. 256 p., Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart 1969 (p. 144 as Psammophila magna (da Costa, 1778))
  • Guido Poppe and Yoshihiro Goto: European Seashells Volume 2 (Scaphopoda, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda) . 221 p., Verlag Christa Hemmen, Wiesbaden 1993 (2000 unc. Reprint), ISBN 3925919104 (p. 100)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Emanuel Mendes da Costa: Historia naturalis testaceorum Britanniæ, or, the British conchology; containing the descriptions and other particulars of natural history of the shells of Great Britain and Ireland: illustrated with figures. In English and French. - Historia naturalis testaceorum Britanniæ, ou, la conchologie Britannique; contenant les descriptions & autres particularités d'histoire naturelle des coquilles de la Grande Bretagne & de l'Irlande: avec figures en taille douce. En anglois & françois. SI-XII, 1-254, London, Millan, White, Emsley & Robson, 1778 Online at www.biodiversitylibrary.org (p. 230/31)
  2. MolluscaBase: Lutraria oblonga (Gmelin, 1791)

Web links

Commons : Elongated Otter Clam ( Lutraria magna )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files