Léo Châtelain

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Léo Châtelain (born May 11, 1839 in Neuchâtel ; † November 18, 1913 there ) was a Swiss architect with an extensive work, especially in residential construction and monument protection, in his home canton and the surrounding area.

Live and act

Neuchâtel Art Museum, built by Léo Châtelain

Léo Châtelain, son of the Neuchâtel architect Louis Châtelain , completed his studies from 1858 to 1860 at the Karlsruhe Polytechnic . He continued his studies from 1862 to 1864 at the École de Beaux-Arts de Paris with Louis-Jules André and Henri Labrouste and probably undertook extensive trips in Europe, he visited Munich, Frankfurt, Magdeburg, Vienna, Prague and toured France and Italy. In 1864 he entered his father's office, which he took over when he retired in 1869. During this time, the order for the restoration of the Gothic collegiate church in Neuchâtel marked the beginning of a steep career. In his career, he restored in the sequence based on concepts Viollet-le-Duc a variety of castles and churches in the canton, as an expert, he joined outside the canton in areas such as Lausanne Cathedral , the Castle of Chillon and the abbeys of Hauterive and Romainmôtier in Appearance. His office created over 270 villas in Neuchâtel and the surrounding area, as well as residential and farmhouses, churches, hotels, industrial and hospital buildings. Châtelain also worked as a traffic and neighborhood planner.

Works (selection)

  • Grand-Hôtel , Chaumont , 1864–1866
  • Kollegiatkirche , Neuchâtel, 1867–1879 (restoration)
  • Villa de Pury , ( Ethnographic Museum ), Neuchâtel, 1871
  • Quartier des Beaux-Arts , Neuchâtel, 1873–1899
  • Pernod factory , Couvet , 1875
  • Musée d'Art et d'Histoire , Neuchâtel, 1879–1887
  • Compagnie des Tramways , administration building, Neuchâtel-Evole, 1903–1904
  • Gorgier Castle , Gorgier , 1904–1907 (restoration)


  • Elisabeth Castellani Zahir: Châtelain, Léo . In: Isabelle Rucki and Dorothee Huber (eds.): Architectural Lexicon of Switzerland - 19./20. Century. Birkhäuser, Basel 1998, ISBN 3-7643-5261-2 . P. 123.

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supporting documents

  1. On the restoration, which was associated with a considerable architectural theoretical debate, see z. B. Les restaurations de la Collégiale et du Château: deux approches bien différentes. INSA, Vol. 7, Zurich 2000.