La Peña de los Gitanos

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La Peña de los Gitanos , (also Dólmenes de Montefrío) about 5.0 km east of Montefrío, is completely isolated from other facilities of culture, northwest of Granada in Andalusia in Spain . The place is an area of ​​green terraces between limestone cliffs , where there are several dolmens from the Neolithic Age , which have only been partially excavated. Also menhirs and caves (Cueva de las Cabras, Cueva Negra, Raja de la Mora) occur here.

The megalithic systems on the "Rock of the Gypsies" are small to medium-sized sunk dolmens with designed accesses, but mostly without preserved cap stones, which were covered with mounds of earth and stone that have disappeared through erosion or erosion. They were used until the Bronze Age . In some of them there were depictions of animals carved into the rock .

Excavations on the site of numerous artifacts were including arrowheads from flint , bone combs and broken decorative ceramics found. There are seven dolmens that may face the sunrise at the winter solstice. Dolmen 23, whose massive capstone is split in two, is particularly well preserved. The front consists of two panels from which the large rectangular inlet opening is carved out. Primitive rock paintings have been found in a nearby cave.

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Coordinates: 37 ° 20 ′ 15.7 "  N , 3 ° 57 ′ 37.4"  W.