La Tercera

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La Tercera
La Tercera logo
description Chilean daily newspaper
language Spanish
Headquarters Santiago de Chile
First edition July 7, 1950
founder Picó Cañas family
Frequency of publication Every day
Web link

La Tercera (Spanish: "The Third") is a Latin American Newspaper Association Periódicos Asociados Latinoamericanos , an association of fourteen leading newspapers in South America , belonging and in Santiago de Chile published daily newspaper . The publication, categorized as right to right, is owned by the Chilean media company Copesa and, alongside the leading Chilean medium El Mercurio, is the most important Chilean daily newspaper.


La Tercera among other daily newspapers in a Chilean newspaper rack (2012)

In 1950 the newspaper was first published by the Picó Cañas family under the name La Tercera de la Hora (Spanish: "The third of the hour") as the evening edition of the no longer published daily La Hora . In the 1950s, the publication was changed to mornings, the part of the name "La Hora" was dropped.

Until 1965 La Tercera was associated with the Partido Radical . In 1970 the newspaper was one of the critics of the Salvador Allende government and showed a positive attitude towards the 1973 coup in Chile . Alongside El Mercurio and La Nación , La Tercera was one of the most important advocates of the military regime of Augusto Pinochet . Pinochet's arrest in 1998 condemned La Tercera, for example, as a "violation of international law and the sovereignty of Chile" (Spanish: "lesiona el derecho internacional y la soberanía de Chile").

By 2003, La Tercera had appeared as a tabloid . Then the newspaper switched to the Berlin format and has since used a more elaborate style , thus developing into one of the two most influential Chilean media. In 2004 La Tercera had 300,000 copies during the week. Since 2010, the La Tercera subscription includes the international part of El País .

Web links

Commons : La Tercera  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Markus Moke: En Campãna: Election campaign in Chile between modernity and tradition . Lit Verlag 2004 p. 108 ISBN 9783825873127 ( limited preview )
  2. ^ De la vieja "Leona" a la sofisticada "Goss-Metro" . In: Nuevaurora . December 1977.
  3. Ulrike Capdepón: From the Pinochet case to those who disappeared during the Spanish Civil War . Transcript Verlag 2015 ISBN 9783839423479 ( limited preview )
  4. Nueva alianza permitirá a suscriptores de La Tercera recibir diario El Pais of Spain . In: La Tercera . October 15, 2010.