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The Labanzen or Labantzen ( ung. Labanczok / labancok , Slov. Labanci ) were an imperial troop in Hungary in the 16th and 17th centuries. They were the opponents of the Kuruc .

According to some sources, the term Labanzen is said to come from the Roman imperial standard Labarum , which was provided with a Christ monogram ΧΡ ( In hoc signo vinces - "Under this sign you will win"). This standard was introduced by Constantine the Great after his victory over Maxentius in 312 and has designated since 1526 , more frequently since 1678 , the members and supporters of the Habsburg troops in the Kingdom of Hungary who were loyal to the emperor and later only imperial mercenaries and soldiers from the Kingdom of Hungary and after End of the Kuruzenkampf (1711) all supporters of the Habsburgs in the Kingdom of Hungary

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ekkehard Eickhoff, Rudolf Eickhoff: Venice, Vienna and the Ottomans. Change in Southeast Europe 1645–1700. 5th edition, Klett-Cotta, 2009, ISBN 9783608945119 , p. 308